'My Sisters' Wedding' makes a solid point about family, and our drama - AmNews Curtain Raiser


Friday, April 21, 2023

'My Sisters' Wedding' makes a solid point about family, and our drama


Could Have Been .... 

What a great title for a movie. It holds so much promise, and I was hopeful. It’s a comedy, written and directed
by Kenneth R. Frank. I have a feeling Mr. Frank may have experienced a similar set of events in his personal life because his point of view is flat-out clear and oftentimes, very, very funny.

Here’s what’s happening. Allison Valentine awakes on the day of her younger sister’s wedding with two simple goals: ensure the smooth execution of the ceremony and break the news of her resignation from the family business. Unfortunately, all members of the family have come up with their own agenda and have asked Allison for her help in getting what they want. Will Allison continue to ignore what she needs to keep the peace? Or will she finally take a stand and risk hurting those she loves and ruining this important day?

There are few people in the world who have not experienced the drama of weddings and family drama. So here, Frank gets it right. The casting of the older characters, especially the priest, seems perfect. They all blend into that “everyman, everywoman” which works in this story. However, the casting of the lead character, Allison Valentine, seems wrong. It’s a lot for an actress to shoulder. I get it. But I think the opportunity to cast an actress who sparkles, against the blandness of the other characters, would have been an interesting way to help us see things from her point of view. She’s blending too. She’s like dependable mayonnaise over more mayonnaise, splattered over white bread, over more white bread.

I don’t dislike this film, but I don’t like it either. Much like real family drama, the conversations go in circles. They repeat the same theme over and over, getting nowhere. Wait… just like family drama. On that, Kenneth R. Frank got it perfect: just like family. Now, where’s the exit?

Starring Samantha Sayah as Allison, Brian Donahue as Big Al, Jennifer Jiles as Olivia, and Lauren A. Kennedy as Tina.


  1. Calling an actress mayonnaise over white bread is classless and rude.

  2. not sure what the run on sentence about mayonnaise and white bread has to do with the lead’s performance? it does come off as racist and evil though! but hey if i was a bad writer for the uh “new amsterdam news,” (whatever that is) i would be mad at the world too!

  3. Despite the author’s very confusing and negative review, I enjoyed the film.
