WMM - The Skills That Pay the Bills - AmNews Curtain Raiser


Monday, April 8, 2024

WMM - The Skills That Pay the Bills


The Skills That Pay the Bills

WMM Women Make Movies is offering a four-part comprehensive series for filmmakers at every stage.  Focusing on the hard skills that lead to success, including fundraising, pitching, financial management, and proposal writing, we’ll combine expert insights, practical tips, and live consultations with filmmakers – all designed to empower and boost your creative process.  

In each session, they will tackle the challenges documentary filmmakers encounter including where and how to raise funds, how to calm one’s nerves during the big moments like pitching, best practices for financial management, and how to craft winning proposals when the film is still evolving. Whether you're emerging, mid-career or a seasoned filmmaker, there is always more to learn.  Join us as we focus on the hard skills necessary to excel and succeed in the constantly evolving dynamic realm of documentary filmmaking.

By purchasing a ticket to the series you will have access to the four sessions below:

April 18: Fundraising: Attracting and Securing Funding

April 25: The Winning Pitch: What Judges Really Look For

May 2: How to Manage Finances: Strategies That Work!

May 9: Proposal Writing: Commanding the Page

Sign up for the series and get four sessions for the price of three

If you are a WMM filmmaker or a member of one of our partner organizations, the discount is even greater (be sure to insert the discount code before checkout)!

**If you are a WMM filmmaker or member of one of our partner organizations and do not have the promo code reach out to fsprogram@wmm.com

Accessibility: Real-time captions are provided, and recordings are available after the sessions to watch on-demand with captions. Email fsprogram@wmm.com with needs or questions.

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