For Hannah is a beautifully shot film! - AmNews Curtain Raiser


Sunday, April 3, 2022

For Hannah is a beautifully shot film!

For Hannah is a beautifully shot film, so hats off to writer/director/producer/cinematographer John Wesley Norton for painting such an interesting, beautiful and unique picture of this small town, Pine Ridge where nothing much happens—ever. It’s important to the story to understand that this is an isolated town that has just experienced a rare event, a crime, which is a sort of exciting jolt to this sleepy community. 

We focus on Chance (Shannon Brown) and his arrival in the midst which pulls, involuntarily, Frank (Ric Morgan) and Emma (Carla Abruzzo), into the aftermath which kick starts a web of lies, secrets, and revelations all of which wreak havoc on Chance’s heart.

The story uses the emotional timeline associated with Christmas Eve to build that necessary tension. Thematically, the emotions of desperation come across which is helpful since the story deals with big subjects like domestic abuse, deceit, cover-ups, and more. It also pays attention to the hefty price of making deals with the wrong people. 

Norton does deliver an interesting-looking film and I can understand why the producers (Shannon Brown, Carla Abruzzo, and Bob Farster plus executive producers Ric Morgan and Bruce Spielbauer, saw the potential in getting the film made. Kudos to the team because it’s not easy getting a movie into the can. 

That being said —and I hope you look at this advice as productive — a better cast would have helped tell this story. Now, mind you, I didn’t say “movie stars” what I am suggesting is better-trained actors who are looking for their big breaks and who have the skill set to step into your beautifully constructed world and bring a different level of life to your story. 

There are a few interesting plots turns, and in the spirit of not spoiling the ride, I won’t dare share them. That being said, I would definitely keep a sharp eye out for John Wesley Norton. He’s visually interesting and this alone kept my attention, and I suspect will keep yours as well. 

Winner, Best Costume Design (2022) - London International Monthly Film Festival.

Winner, Best Indie Feature, Best Actor in a Feature Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress (2021) - Cannes World Film Festival.

Winner, Best Actor, Best Crime Film, Best Screenplay, Best of Fest Feature (2021) - Dreamachine International Film Festival.

Winner, Best Actor (2021) - Florence Film Awards.

Winner, Gold Award - Actor (2021) - Hollywood Gold Awards.

Winner, Best Actress, Best Original Score (2021) - Milan Gold Awards

Winner, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor. Nominated: November Monthly Edition (2021) - Oniros Film Awards

Winner, Best sound design, Best Costume Design, Best Original Score, Best Production Design, Best Director, Best Producers, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Acting Ensemble, Best Acting Duo, Best Feature Film (2021) - Rome International Movie Awards

Winner, Best Production Design (2021) - Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival.

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