DANCE NOW! as part of their Astor series on September 17 - AmNews Curtain Raiser


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

DANCE NOW! as part of their Astor series on September 17

NYC’s iconic venue Joe’s Pub has just announced free additional performances on August 12 from Ukrainian quartet DakhaBrakha and on September 17 with DANCE NOW! as part of their Astor series.  

“Ethno-chaos “ band DakhaBrakha’s free performance at Astor Place on Friday, August 12 at 7 PM will follow their Wednesday night set at Joe’s Pub, and will be accompanied by traditional Indian, Arabic, African, Russian, and Australian instrumentation. Rooted in Ukrainian culture, DakhaBrakha’s sound reflects fundamental elements of sound and soul while calling back upon the group’s origins.

Next month, DANCE NOW! will take place from 3-7 PM on Saturday, September 17 at Astor Alive! and will feature Megan Williams Dance Project’s One Woman Show at 3 and 5 PM and Take Dance’s Somewhere Familiar Melodies at 4 and 6 PM. 

In One Woman Show, Megan Williams revisits and reframes excerpts of the 2018 performance, a post-post-modern dance theater follies for the small stage, and swings it hard into today's political climate.  While channeling tragic and comedic heroines of golden-age Hollywood, Williams grapples with questions about how we live with the ways we learned about sex, misogyny, beauty, aging, romance, and love. 

Directed and choreographed by Takehiro Ueyama, Take Dance’s Somewhere Familiar Melodies explores how past events can be ignited by sense memories–-sights, scents, places, and sounds. With this work, Ueyama embraces a range of emotions sparked by memories of time spent with family and friends in Japan.

#Dance #Japan #Pub

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